Powder X-ray Diffractometer

Malvern P'Analytical Empyrean is equipped with a Cu cathode and the 1DER detector to analyze the crystal structure of organic, inorganic, and geological samples. 

The incident beam is going through the iCore which includes a Bragg-Brentano multilayer mirror, programmable divergence slits and masks. This technique will reduce the background radiation, resulting in remarkable powder pattern. 

Robotic arm for high-throughput powder X-ray diffraction. Up to 15 samples can be simultaneously loaded. Requests for analysis of the crystal structure can be sent to Jan.Pohls@UNB.ca.

Physical Property Measurement System 

Quantum Design Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) to measure electrical, thermal, and magnetic properties from 390 K down to 0.4 K! It is equipped with a 9 T superconducting magnet to measure magnetoresistance and magnetic properties. 

Helium-3 probe to measure heat capacity and electrical resistance down to 0.4 K.

AC and DC resistance as well as the thermal conductivity and Seebeck coefficient can be measured using diverse Quantum Design PPMS pucks. For requests of measurements, please contact Dr. Carroll-Pohls under Jan.Pohls@UNB.ca.

High-temperature Furnaces 

High-temperature muffle furnaces can reach up to 1100 °C.

Other high-temperature muffle furnaces to synthesize quantum materials for renewable energy applications.

Three-zone tube furnaces for chemical vapor transport (CVT) growth. 

Double-sided Glovebox 

Argon-filled double-sided glovebox by MBraun Lab. Glovebox is kept at <0.1 ppm for H2O and O2 for air-sensitive measurements. 

Spin Coater 

Spin coater to prepare thin films.

Carroll-Pöhls Lab


Last Update: November 14, 2024